Saturday, June 14, 2008

If only I knew him

He walks through Boundaries
(-after Etheridge Knight)
By Chester Stoney

He walks through boundaries
of social designation, degradation.
He has the ability within
mind to escape confines of doubt
and reasoning. In house of broken
glass and broken dreams he sees
skies of milk and honey, over an empty stomach.

Bags under his eyes
form to carry tears too
heavy to stay inside.
It rains as he cries.

His dreams are not my dreams,
but I have seen him
in dreams dreamt, now and then

he reads to me- young and eager
from a book of history, of dreams
teaches me how to escape
to release from the chains
to lead my people
to wash my hands of hate
instilled in me
over years.

Now his children rest in toe
bright smiles, glare and warm
his heart, and dreams
load is lightened
with each story, and
each memory
laughter removing worn-
out troubles
he stares
he escapes
the world the chains
he has the ability of mind
he walks through boundaries.

1 comment:

chris said...

You are a deep fellow sir, i may have to borrow some of your inspiration someday

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